My Autism Story – Jane Muiruri

Hi! Welcome to our series, “My Autism Story”. In this series, I asked a few parents to share their experience with autism! Read on to find out what Jane Muiruri, the first parent, had to say! Enjoy and learn!


What is your name?

Jane Muiruri

How old are your children?

My children on the spectrum are aged 6 and 8. They are both girls.

When did you discover your children had autism? 

I got the news on the same day when they were aged 4.7 and 2.7.

How has your autism journey been?

Autism has been a rollercoaster for us, one that started the very day we got the news. Since then this rollercoaster has never stopped moving. It may slow down at times, but it never stops moving.

How has autism affected your life on a day-to-day basis?

Autism is unpredictable. You can never know what will happen next, or what your child will do next. We have learnt to live a day at a time.

Do you do any kind of therapy? What are the costs like? Is therapy helpful? 

We do therapy at home, by ourselves. I have learnt from professionals, both physically and via the internet, how to teach and train my children. The autism parent is constantly learning. And yes, therapy is helpful. We are seeing results.

How about school? Is your child in school? What is the experience like for you and your child? If your child is not in school, how do you keep him/her engaged? 

Both my children are in school and they love it. When schools close they keep waking early to get ready for school. For them, school is a place where they are loved and accepted.

What keeps you going and not giving up?

God has not given up, so why should I?

Do you practise self-care? Do you ever get a chance to recharge?

I rarely get a chance to be by myself and recharge.

What advice would you give parents of special needs children?

Breath in, dig in and get moving. Keep going, and remember that the most difficult road has the best view!

What advice would you give a parent who is scared of getting their child checked for autism?

It’s better to know what you are dealing with, rather than groping in the dark. Fear is a challenge to your faith. Fear of the unknown regarding your child can be crippling.

What words of encouragement would you give a parent who has just gotten the news that their child has autism?

I would hug them, sit quietly with them as they process the news, and then ask how I can help them or what do they would like to know.

What quote or Bible verse keeps you going?

He will make everything perfect at his time.

The Lord’s Prayer.



6 thoughts on “My Autism Story – Jane Muiruri”

  1. I have met Jane and she is one among the boldest mum’s you will ever find. I love her beautiful daughters and the great care she showers her children with. I love her bible quote. For sure God will perfect things at his own time. Hugs Jane.

  2. Very encouraging God is always on our side and that’s why we are strong in bringing up our autistic children.


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